NOTE: This is a work in progress, please let us know via issue/gitter/email if you'd like to see anything added to this.

This is inspired by the chisel cheatsheet and will be rendered in a similar single page layout soon.



  • m.Bit: boolean value
  • m.VCC, m.GND: boolean literals

Bits and Integers

  • m.Bits[N]: length N bit vector with bitwise logical operators defined
  • m.UInt[N]: length N unsigned integer that includes Bits operators and unsigned arithmetic (e.g. +, -, ...) and comparison operators (e.g. <, <=, ...)
  • m.SInt[N]: length N signed integer that includes Bits operators and signed arithmetic (e.g. +, -, ...) and comparison operators (e.g. <, <=, ...)


  • m.Array[N, T]: fixed length array of length N containing values of type T with equality operator (==) defined

Tuples and Products

  • m.Tuple[t0, t1, ...]: heterogenous compound data type containing members of type t0, t1, ... Values of such types can be indexed using integer keys like Python tuples (e.g. for a tuple value x, type(x[0]) == t0).
  • m.Product.from_fields(name, dict(k0=t0, k1=t1, ...)): heterogenous compound data type containing members of type t0, t1, ... Values of such types can be indexed using attributes (e.g. for a product value x, type(x.k0) == t0). name="anon" makes this type anonymous.
  • Alternate syntax: python class <name>(m.Product): k0 = t0 k1 = t1 ...


Statically typed enumerated type:

class <name>(m.Enum):
    k0 = v0
    k1 = v1

Type qualifiers

m.In(T), m.Out(T), m.InOut(T) qualify type T to be an input, output, and inout respectively.

Type conversions

  • m.bits(value, n=None): convert value to an Bits (same rules as m.array except if the input is a magma type or list, the members must be convertible to a Bit (e.g. Bit, bool, 0, 1))
  • m.array(value, n=None): convert value to an array. value must be a magma type (Bit, Tuple, Array), a Python integer (e.g. literal), or a Python sequence (e.g. list). If n is None, the width of the array is inferred from value (e.g. length of the list, bit length of the integer, length of the magma type)
  • m.uint(value, n=None): convert value to an UInt (same rules as m.bits, except will not convert m.SInt to m.UInt)
  • m.sint(value, n=None): convert value to an SInt (same rules as m.bits, except will not convert m.UInt to m.SInt)

Math Helpers

Contained in the module magma.math * m.math.log2_ceil(x: int) -> int: log2(x) rounded up * m.math.log2_floor(x: int) -> int: log2(x) rounded down * m.math.is_pow2(x: int) -> bool: True if x is a power of 2


Retain state until updated:

my_reg = mantle.Register(32)
my_reg_init_7 = mantle.Register(32, init=7)
my_reg_clock_enable = mantle.Register(32, init=7, has_ce=True)
my_reg_uint = mantle.Register(32, init=7, has_ce=True, T=m.UInt)

Define update value by wiring to the input I port

my_reg.I @= next_val

Set N to None for a Register of a single Bit (setting N to 1 will produce a register of Bits[1])

bit_reg = mantle.Register(None)


MyMemCircuit = mantle.DefineMemory(height, width, readonly=False, read_latency=0)
my_mem_inst = MyMemCircuit()
  • height: number of elements
  • width: width of each element
  • readonly: ROM if True else RAM
  • read_latency: number of registers to append to read out port

Memory ports (where addr_width = max(clog2(height - 1), 1)):

  • RADDR: m.In(m.Bits[addr_width])
  • RDATA: m.Out(m.Bits[width])
  • WADDR: m.In(m.Bits[addr_width])
  • WDATA: m.In(m.Bits[width])
  • CLK: m.In(m.Clock)
  • WE: m.In(m.Bit)


Defining: subclass m.Circuit

class Accum16(m.Circuit):
    io = m.IO(I=m.In(m.UInt[16]), O=m.Out(m.UInt[16])) + m.ClockIO()

    sum_ = mantle.Register(16)
    io.O @= sum_(m.uint(sum_.O) + io.I)

Usage: circuits are used by instancing them inside another definitions and their ports are accessed using dot notation

my_module = Accum16()
my_module.I @= some_data
sum_ = my_module.O

Wiring: wire an output to an input using @= operator (statically typed)

Metaprogramming: abstract over parameters by generating a circuit definition inside a closure

def define_accum(width: int):

   class Accum(m.Circuit):
        name = f"Accum{width}"
        io = m.IO(I=m.In(m.UInt[width]), O=m.Out(m.UInt[width])) + m.ClockIO()

        sum_ = mantle.Register(width)
        io.O @= sum_(m.uint(sum_.O) + io.I)

   return Accum


Infix operators

All types support the following operators: - Equal == - Not Equal !=

The Bit type supports the following logical operators. - And & - Or | - Exclusive or ^ - Not ~

The Array type family supports the following operator. - Dynamic bit selection my_arry[add.O] (select a bit dynamically using a magma value).

The Bits type family supports the following logical operators. - And & (element-wise) - Or | (element-wise) - Exclusive or ^ (element-wise) - Not ~ (element-wise) - Logical right shift (with zeros) >> - Logical left shift (with zeros) <<

The UInt and SInt types support all the logical operators as well as arithmetic and comparison operators. - Add + - Subtract/Negate - - Multiply * - Divide / - Less than < - Less than or equal <= - Greater than > - Greater than or equal >=

Note that the the right shift operator when applied to an SInt becomes an arithmetic shift right operator (which replicates the sign bit as it shifts right).

Functional operators

  • mantle.mux(*I, S) (constraint: len(S) == log2_ceil(len(I))): select I[S].
  • m.zext(v, n): zero extend array v by n
  • m.sext(v, n): sign extend array v by n
  • m.concat(*arrays): concat arrays together
  • m.repeat(value, n): create an array repeating value n times


def basic_if(I: m.Bits[2], S: m.Bit) -> m.Bit:
    if S:
        return I[0]
        return I[1]


basic_if = DefineCircuit("basic_if", "I", In(Bits[2]), "S", In(Bit), "O", Out(Bit))
Mux2xOutBit_inst0 = Mux2xOutBit()
wire(basic_if.I[1], Mux2xOutBit_inst0.I0)
wire(basic_if.I[0], Mux2xOutBit_inst0.I1)
wire(basic_if.S, Mux2xOutBit_inst0.S)
wire(Mux2xOutBit_inst0.O, basic_if.O)

See here for more details.


class DelayBy2:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x: m.Bits[2] = m.bits(0, 2)
        self.y: m.Bits[2] = m.bits(0, 2)

    def __call__(self, I: m.Bits[2]) -> m.Bits[2]:
        O = self.y
        self.y = self.x
        self.x = I
        return O

See here for more details.