
Magma's core syntax is at the structural RTL of abstraction. Magma provides layers on top of this core syntax to abstract some details such as wiring of inputs/outputs, referencing registers, and control logic state machines.


Circuits are defined by subclassing m.Circuit and assigning an interface definition to the variable named io. Inside, the user creates instances of other circuits and wires their ports to the io object.

class Accum(m.Circuit):
        # Interface contains an input port and output port, both of type
        io = m.IO(
        # Add magma's standard clock interface (equivalent to
        # including CLK=m.In(m.Clock) in an m.IO call
        # Note that io objects can be incrementally constructed using the `+`
        # operator
        io += m.ClockIO()
        # Generate a register circuit that stores a value of type UInt[8] 
        # Second set of parenthesis instances the generated circuit
        sum = m.Register(m.UInt[8])()
        # Calling an instance `sum(...)` corresponds to wiring up the inputs
        # @= operator wires the output of sum (returned from calling the
        # instance) to the `O` port of the output
        io.O @= sum(sum.O + io.I)
        # Register clock signal is automatically wired up


Magma supports generating combinational logic from pure functions using the @m.combinational2 decorator. This introduces a set of syntax level features for defining combinational magma circuits, including the use of if statements to generate Muxes.

The condition must be an expression that evaluates to a magma value.

Here's a simple example:

def basic_if(I: m.Bits[2], S: m.Bit) -> m.Bit:
    if S:
        return I[0]
        return I[1]

For reference, here is the code produced for the corresponding magma circuit definition where the if statement has been lowered into a multiplexer:

class basic_if(m.Circuit):
    io = m.IO(I=m.In(m.Bits[2]), S=m.In(m.Bit), O=m.Out(Bit))
    Mux2xOutBit_inst0 = Mux2xOutBit()
    wire(io.I[1], Mux2xOutBit_inst0.I0)
    wire(io.I[0], Mux2xOutBit_inst0.I1)
    wire(io.S, Mux2xOutBit_inst0.S)
    wire(Mux2xOutBit_inst0.O, io.O)

combinational2 allows nesting if statements:

def if_statement_nested(I: m.Bits[4], S: m.Bits[2]) -> m.Bit:
    if S[0]:
        if S[1]:
            return I[0]
            return I[1]
        if S[1]:
            return I[2]
            return I[3]

Also terneray expressions:

def ternary(I: m.Bits[2], S: m.Bit) -> m.Bit:
    return I[0] if S else I[1]

Function composition

def basic_if_function_call(I: m.Bits[2], S: m.Bit) -> m.Bit:
    return basic_if(I, S)

Function calls must refer to another m.combinational2 element, or a function that accepts magma values, define instances and wires values, and returns a magma. Calling any other type of function has undefined behavior.

Returning multiple values (tuples)

There are two ways to return multiple values, first is to use a Python tuple. This is specified in the type signature as (m.Type, m.Type, ...). In the body of the definition, the values can be returned using the standard Python tuple syntax. The circuit defined with a Python tuple as an output type will default to the naming convetion O0, O1, ... for the output ports.

def return_py_tuple(I: m.Bits[2]) -> (m.Bit, m.Bit):
    return I[0], I[1]

The other method is to use an m.Tuple (magma's tuple type). Again, this is specified in the type signature, using m.Tuple(m.Type, m.Type, ...). You can also use the namedtuple pattern to give your multiple outputs explicit names with m.Tuple(O0=m.Bit, O1=m.Bit).

def return_magma_tuple(I: m.Bits[2]) -> m.Tuple[m.Bit, m.Bit]:
    return m.tuple_([I[0], I[1]])
def return_magma_named_tuple(I: m.Bits[2]) -> m.Product.from_fields("anon", {"x": m.Bit, "y": m.Bit}):
    return m.namedtuple(x=I[0], y=I[1])

Using non-combinational magma circuits

The combinational syntax allows the use of other combinational circuits using the function call syntax to wire inputs and retrieve outputs.

Here is an example:

class EQ(m.Circuit):
    IO = ["I0", m.In(m.Bit), "I1", m.In(m.Bit), "O", m.Out(m.Bit)]

def logic(a: m.Bit) -> (m.Bit,):
    if EQ()(a, m.bit(0)):
        c = m.bit(1)
        c = m.bit(0)
    return (c,)

Using magma's higher order circuits

class Not(m.Circuit):
    IO = ["I", m.In(m.Bit), "O", m.Out(m.Bit)]

def logic(a: m.Bits[10]) -> m.Bits[10]:
    return m.join(m.map_(Not, 10))(a)

Using combinational circuits as a standard circuit definition

Combinational circuits can also be used as standard circuit definitions by using the .circuit_definition attribute to retrieve the corresponding magma circuit.

def invert(a: m.Bit) -> m.Bit:
    return Not()(a)

class Foo(m.Circuit):
    IO = ["I", m.In(m.Bit), "O", m.Out(m.Bit)]
    io = m.IO(I=m.In(m.Bit), O=m.Out(m.Bit))

    # reference circuit_definition and instance
    inv = invert.circuit_definition()
    inv.a @= io.I
    io.O @= inv.O

Statically Elaborated For Loops

Statically elaborated for loops are supported using the ast_tools loop unrolling macro. Here's an example:

from ast_tools.passes import loop_unroll, apply_ast_passes

n = 4
def logic(a: m.Bits[n]) -> m.Bits[n]:
    O = []
    for i in ast_tools.macros.unroll(range(n)):
        O.append(a[n - 1 - i])
    return m.bits(O, n)

which compiles to this magma circuit

class logic(m.Circuit):
    io = m.IO(a=m.In(m.Bits[n]), O=m.Out(m.Bits[n]))

    O_0 = []
    O_0.append(io.a[n - 1 - 0])
    O_0.append(io.a[n - 1 - 1])
    O_0.append(io.a[n - 1 - 2])
    O_0.append(io.a[n - 1 - 3])
    __magma_ssa_return_value_0 = m.bits(O_0, n)
    O = __magma_ssa_return_value_0
    m.wire(O, io.O)

Inline Combinational

inline_combinational avoids having to define function parameters, pass arguments, and assign return values when defining a combinational block. Instead, the user can define a combinational function inside their m.Circuit class defintiion and refer directly to magma values in the scope.

Here's a simple example:

class Main(m.Circuit):
    io = m.IO(invert=m.In(m.Bit), O0=m.Out(m.Bit), O1=m.Out(m.Bit))
    io += m.ClockIO()
    reg = m.Register(m.Bit)()

    def logic():
        if io.invert:
            reg.I @= ~reg.O
            O1 = ~reg.O
            reg.I @= reg.O
            O1 = reg.O

    io.O0 @= reg.O
    io.O1 @= O1

Notice that the first 3 lines of Main's definition are standard magma.

Inside the function logic that has been decorated with @m.inline_combinational, the user can refer to reg (a normal magma instance) and it's ports to perform logic and wiring. The definition of logic shows two ways to use the combinational rewrite to generate a muxes.

The first way wires to reg.I using the @= operator inside the if statement. The combinational rewrite logic will change these statements to assign to a temporary value, which will then get process by the SSA pass to produce the final value (output of a mux or chain of muxes) which is then wired to the original target (reg.I in this case).

The second way assigns to a temporary value O1. This value is handled using the standard combinational treatment and the final value produced by SSA is returned from the function and assigned in the enclosing environment.


The @m.sequential2 decorator extends the @m.combinational2 syntax with the ability to use Python's class system to describe stateful circuits.

The execution of sequential clases begins with the __init__ method where arbitrary magma code can be run to construct the internal state of a circuit. Then, the __call__ function constructs the state transition logic as well as the input/output logic using @m.combinational2 syntax. State is referenced using the first argument self and is implicitly updated by writing to attributes of self (e.g. self.x = 3).

Here's an example of a basic 2 element shift register:

class Counter:
    def __init__(self, reset_type=m.AsyncReset, has_enable=True):
        # reset_type and has_enable will be set implicitly
        self.count = m.Register(T=m.UInt[16], init=m.uint(0, 16))()

    def __call__(self, en: m.Bit) -> m.SInt[16]:
        if en:
            self.count = self.count + 1
        return self.count.prev()

In the __init__ method, the circuit declares a state element self.count as an instance of the m.Register primitive. The type is determined by the T parameter to the Register circuit generator. The __call__ method accepts an input en of type m.Bit that controls whether the state should be changed by incrementing the value stored in the count register. The output of the circuit is returned, in this case self.count.prev(). The prev method is a magic method that will return the previous value of the count register (not the updated value which could be self.count + 1 is en is high). Notice that the inputs and output of the __call__ method have type annotations just like m.combinational2 functions. The __call__ method should be treated as a standard @m.combinational2 function, with the special parameter self that provides access to the state declared inside the __init__ method.


Besides declaring magma values as state, the sequential syntax also supports using instances of other sequential circuits. For example, suppose we have a register defined as follows:

class Register:
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = m.Register(T=m.Bits[2], init=m.uint(0, 16))()

    def __call__(self, I: m.Bits[2]) -> m.Bits[2]:
        return self.value(I)

We can use the Register class in the definition of a ShiftRegister class:

class TestShiftRegister:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = Register()
        self.y = Register()

    def __call__(self, I: m.Bits[2]) -> m.Bits[2]:
        return self.y(self.x(I))

NOTE Currently it is required that every sub sequential circuit element receive an explicit invocation in the __call__ method. For example, if you have a sub sequential circuit self.x that you would like to keep constant, you must still call it with self.x(...) to ensure that some input value is provided every cycle (the sub sequential circuit must similarly be designed in such a way that the logic expects inputs every cycle, so enable logic must be explicitly defined).


The m.coroutine syntax extends m.sequential2 with the ability to use yield statements inside the __call__ method to pause execution and wait until the next clock cycle. This provides a convenient way to describe control logic, particularly finite state machines.

Here's a simple example of defining a UART transmitter:

class UART:
    def __init__(self):
        self.message = m.Register(T=m.Bits[8], init=0)()
        self.i = m.Register(T=m.UInt[3], init=7)()
        self.tx = m.Register(T=m.Bit, init=1)()

    def __call__(self, run: m.Bit, message: m.Bits[8]) -> m.Bit:
        while True:
            self.tx = m.bit(1)  # end bit or idle
            yield self.tx.prev()
            if run:
                self.message = message
                self.tx = m.bit(0)  # start bit
                yield self.tx.prev()
                while True:
                    self.i = self.i - 1
                    self.tx = self.message[self.i.prev()]
                    yield self.tx.prev()
                    if self.i == 7:

In some cases, the user may desire to explicitly choose the encoding of each state (by default, the compielr will generate a unique value for each yield statement). The coroutine syntax also supports yield from as a way to sequentially transfer control to another coroutine. This allows sequential composition of coroutines (state machines). Here's an example of both in a JTAG controller:

TEST_LOGIC_RESET = m.bits(15, 4)
RUN_TEST_IDLE = m.bits(12, 4)
SELECT_DR_SCAN = m.bits(7, 4)
CAPTURE_DR = m.bits(6, 4)
SHIFT_DR = m.bits(2, 4)
EXIT1_DR = m.bits(1, 4)
PAUSE_DR = m.bits(3, 4)
EXIT2_DR = m.bits(0, 4)
UPDATE_DR = m.bits(5, 4)
SELECT_IR_SCAN = m.bits(4, 4)
CAPTURE_IR = m.bits(14, 4)
SHIFT_IR = m.bits(10, 4)
EXIT1_IR = m.bits(9, 4)
PAUSE_IR = m.bits(11, 4)
EXIT2_IR = m.bits(8, 4)
UPDATE_IR = m.bits(13, 4)

@m.coroutine(manual_encoding=True, reset_type=m.AsyncReset)
class JTAG:
    def __init__(self):
        self.yield_state = m.Register(T=m.Bits[4], init=TEST_LOGIC_RESET)()

    def __call__(self, tms: m.Bit) -> m.Bits[4]:
        # TODO: Prune infeasible paths (or check if synthesis optimizes
        # them out)
        while True:
            while True:
                self.yield_state = TEST_LOGIC_RESET
                yield self.yield_state.prev()
                if tms == 0:
            while tms == 0:
                self.yield_state = RUN_TEST_IDLE
                yield self.yield_state.prev()
            while tms == 1:
                self.yield_state = SELECT_DR_SCAN
                yield self.yield_state.prev()
                if tms == 0:
                    # dr
                    yield from self.make_scan(CAPTURE_DR, SHIFT_DR,
                                              EXIT1_DR, PAUSE_DR, EXIT2_DR,
                    self.yield_state = SELECT_IR_SCAN
                    yield self.yield_state.prev()
                    if tms == 0:
                        # ir
                        yield from self.make_scan(CAPTURE_IR, SHIFT_IR,
                                                  EXIT1_IR, PAUSE_IR,
                                                  EXIT2_IR, UPDATE_IR)

    def make_scan(self, capture, shift, exit_1, pause, exit_2, update):
        def scan(self, tms: m.Bit) -> m.Bits[4]:
            self.yield_state = capture
            yield self.yield_state.prev()
            while True:
                if tms == 0:
                    while True:
                        self.yield_state = shift
                        yield self.yield_state.prev()
                        if tms != 0:
                self.yield_state = exit_1
                yield self.yield_state.prev()
                if tms == 0:
                    while True:
                        self.yield_state = pause
                        yield self.yield_state.prev()
                        if tms != 0:
                    self.yield_state = exit_2
                    yield self.yield_state.prev()
                    if tms != 0:
            self.yield_state = update
            yield self.yield_state.prev()
            return tms
        return scan()

Here's another example of manual_encoding and yield from in an SDRAM controller:

INIT_NOP1 = m.bits(0b01000, 5)
INIT_PRE1 = m.bits(0b01001, 5)
INIT_NOP1_1 = m.bits(0b00101, 5)
INIT_REF1 = m.bits(0b01010, 5)
INIT_NOP2 = m.bits(0b01011, 5)
INIT_REF2 = m.bits(0b01100, 5)
INIT_NOP3 = m.bits(0b01101, 5)
INIT_LOAD = m.bits(0b01110, 5)
INIT_NOP4 = m.bits(0b01111, 5)

REF_PRE = m.bits(0b00001, 5)
REF_NOP1 = m.bits(0b00010, 5)
REF_REF = m.bits(0b00011, 5)
REF_NOP2 = m.bits(0b00100, 5)

READ_ACT = m.bits(0b10000, 5)
READ_NOP1 = m.bits(0b10001, 5)
READ_CAS = m.bits(0b10010, 5)
READ_NOP2 = m.bits(0b10011, 5)
READ_READ = m.bits(0b10100, 5)

WRIT_ACT = m.bits(0b11000, 5)
WRIT_NOP1 = m.bits(0b11001, 5)
WRIT_CAS = m.bits(0b11010, 5)
WRIT_NOP2 = m.bits(0b11011, 5)

CMD_PALL = m.bits(0b10010001, 8)
CMD_REF = m.bits(0b10001000, 8)
CMD_NOP = m.bits(0b10111000, 8)
CMD_MRS = m.bits(0b10000000, 8)
CMD_BACT = m.bits(0b10011000, 8)
CMD_READ = m.bits(0b10101001, 8)
CMD_WRIT = m.bits(0b10100001, 8)

@m.coroutine(manual_encoding=True, reset_type=m.AsyncResetN)
class SDRAMController:
    def __init__(self):
        self.yield_state = m.Register(T=m.Bits[5], init=INIT_NOP1)()
        self.command = m.Register(T=m.Bits[8], init=CMD_NOP)()
        self.i = m.Register(T=m.UInt[4], init=m.uint(15, 4))()

    def __call__(self, refresh_cnt: m.UInt[10], rd_enable: m.Bit, wr_enable: m.Bit) -> (m.Bits[5], m.Bits[8]):
        yield from self.init()
        while True:
            self.command = CMD_NOP
            self.yield_state = IDLE
            yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
            if refresh_cnt >= CYCLES_BETWEEN_REFRESH:
                yield from self.refresh()
            elif wr_enable:
                yield from self.write()
            elif rd_enable:
                yield from

    def init(self, refresh_cnt: m.UInt[10], rd_enable: m.Bit, wr_enable: m.Bit) -> (m.Bits[5], m.Bits[8]):
        while True:
            self.command = CMD_NOP
            self.yield_state = INIT_NOP1
            yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
            if self.i == 0:
            self.i = self.i - 1
        self.command = CMD_PALL
        self.yield_state = INIT_PRE1
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        self.command = CMD_NOP
        self.yield_state = INIT_NOP1_1
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        self.command = CMD_REF
        self.yield_state = INIT_REF1
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        self.i = 7
        while True:
            self.command = CMD_NOP
            self.yield_state = INIT_NOP2
            yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
            if self.i == 0:
            self.i = self.i - 1
        self.command = CMD_REF
        self.yield_state = INIT_REF2
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        self.i = 7
        while True:
            self.command = CMD_NOP
            self.yield_state = INIT_NOP3
            yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
            if self.i == 0:
            self.i = self.i - 1
        self.command = CMD_MRS
        self.yield_state = INIT_LOAD
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        self.i = 1
        while True:
            self.command = CMD_NOP
            self.yield_state = INIT_NOP4
            yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
            if self.i == 0:
            self.i = self.i - 1
        return refresh_cnt, rd_enable, wr_enable

    def refresh(self, refresh_cnt: m.UInt[10], rd_enable: m.Bit, wr_enable: m.Bit) -> (m.Bits[5], m.Bits[8]):
        self.command = CMD_PALL
        self.yield_state = REF_PRE
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        self.command = CMD_NOP
        self.yield_state = REF_NOP1
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        self.command = CMD_REF
        self.yield_state = REF_REF
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        self.i = 7
        while True:
            self.command = CMD_NOP
            self.yield_state = REF_NOP2
            yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
            if self.i == 0:
            self.i = self.i - 1
        return refresh_cnt, rd_enable, wr_enable

    def write(self, refresh_cnt: m.UInt[10], rd_enable: m.Bit, wr_enable: m.Bit) -> (m.Bits[5], m.Bits[8]):
        self.command = CMD_BACT
        self.yield_state = WRIT_ACT
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        self.i = 1
        while True:
            self.command = CMD_NOP
            self.yield_state = WRIT_NOP1
            yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
            if self.i == 0:
            self.i = self.i - 1
        self.command = CMD_WRIT
        self.yield_state = WRIT_CAS
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        self.i = 1
        while True:
            self.command = CMD_NOP
            self.yield_state = WRIT_NOP2
            yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
            if self.i == 0:
            self.i = self.i - 1
        return refresh_cnt, rd_enable, wr_enable

    def read(self, refresh_cnt: m.UInt[10], rd_enable: m.Bit, wr_enable: m.Bit) -> (m.Bits[5], m.Bits[8]):
        self.command = CMD_BACT
        self.yield_state = READ_ACT
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        self.i = 1
        while True:
            self.command = CMD_NOP
            self.yield_state = READ_NOP1
            yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
            if self.i == 0:
            self.i = self.i - 1
        self.command = CMD_READ
        self.yield_state = READ_CAS
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        self.i = 1
        while True:
            self.command = CMD_NOP
            self.yield_state = READ_NOP2
            yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
            if self.i == 0:
            self.i = self.i - 1
        self.command = CMD_NOP
        self.yield_state = READ_READ
        yield self.yield_state.prev(), self.command.prev()
        return refresh_cnt, rd_enable, wr_enable