Magma Programming Model

Magma is a Low-Level Hardware Design Language (LLHDL) for FPGAs. In contrast, verilog and VHDL are high-level hardware design languages.

Think of Magma as a hardware assembly language. Programming in Magma is like writing programs in assembly language. This is useful if you want total control of the hardware, but it is low-level and should only be done when necessary.

Magma is inspired by LLVM, a low-level virtual machine IR that is used to compile high-level languages to different processors. Magma is designed as a target for a compiler that converts a higher-level language into lower-level hardware. This is particularly easy to do, since Magma is embedded in python, a nice programming language for building higher-level libraries and domain-specific languages. Magma is essentially a Register Transfer Language (RTL), a low-level intermediate representation used by compiler writers and hardware designers.

Creating Hardware Primitives

The first step in using Magma is to configure the FPGA hardware primitives. The three most common primitives in FPGAs are lookup tables (LUTs), D-flip-flops (FFs), and input/output buffers (IOBs).

For example, the following code snippet

logic1 = LUT2(I0&I1)
logic2 = LUT2(I0|I1)

will create 2 lookup tables, each with 2 inputs and 1 output. Each input and output is 1 bit. Printing logic1

print logic1
I0, I1 -> O

shows that logic1 is a function that maps from two bits to one bit.

LUT is a python function that allocates and configures a hardware lookup table. Each invocation of LUT allocates and configures a new lookup table. The value returned by LUT and assigned to logic1 refers to the hardware lookup table. The hardware lookup table is a function, because it maps from its inputs to an output, However, logic1 is not a normal python function. A python function runs immediately on the host computer. The hardware functional unit implemented in the lookup table runs on the FPGA after it is loaded into the FPGA. When writing Magma programs, it is important to keep in mind whether a function is a python function or a hardware functional unit.

The contents of the lookup table are set to correspond to the given logical expresson. To implement the 2 bit and function, the table is initialized to [0,0,0,1].

When configuring lookup tables using string expressions, the order of the arguments to the functional unit is the same as the alphabetical order of the variables used. In these examples, the sorted order of the variables is A then B, so the first input to logic1 will be A and the second input will be B. Of course, in these examples the order doesn't matter because A&B=B&A and A|B=B|A.

Another common hardware primitive is a D flip-flop,

ff = FF()

The final common hardware primitive are the IO buffers that are connected to pins.

switch1 = In(90)
switch2 = In(91)

led1 = Out(94)
led2 = Out(95)

This program configures pins 90 and 91 for input, and 94 and 95 for output. Input and output pins are special cases of hardware functions. The input to the input pin is off-chip, the output is a bit. Conversely, the input to an output pin is a bit, and the output goes off-chip. In this hypothetical example, the input pins are connected to manual switches and the output pins are connected to LEDs.

In hardware, bits are represented as voltages. Magma defines


to indicate ground and power. Since in python we normally represent bits as boolean values (False or True, 0 or 1), Magma considers 0 to be equivalent GND, and 1 to be equavalent to VCC.

Wiring Functional Units

The next step is to wire functional units together to create a circuit. This involves connecting the output of one functional unit to the input of another function unit.

Magma uses function call syntax for wiring.

f = logic1( switch1, switch2 )
led1( f )

Calling logic1 with two arguments, will wire the arguments to the inputs of the function. In this example, the first statement wires switch1 and switch2 to the input 0 and input 1 of the logic1 function, and the second statement wires the output of the logic1 function to input of the led1 function. This will cause the LED to display the logical and of the two switches.

We can easily superimpose a FF in that circuit.

f = ff ( logic1( switch1, switch2 ) )
led1( f )

This can be shortened to

led1( ff ( logic1( switch1, switch2 ) ) )

An equivalent way to wire up functional units is to use the wire function.

f = ff ( logic1( switch0, switch1 ) )
wire( f, led )

The general form of the wire function is

wire( O, I )

which wires the outputs of the first argument to the inputs of the second argument.

Finally, a warning. Assignment is not equivalent to wiring.

led1 = logic1( switch1, switch2 )

does not wire the output of logic1 to led1. It assigns the output of logic1 to the python variable led1.

Creating New Functions

A LUT can be used configured to precompute any logical function of its inputs.

logic3 = LUT3((~I2 & I0) | (I2 & I1))

will create a logical function of three values. The function signature is

print logic3
[3] -> 1

The output of this function will be I2 ? I1 : I0.

All programming models need some way to abstract common programming operations into new functions. Suppose we want to create new function Mux2 that is implemented using logic3.

mux2 = Mux2()

wire( mux2( array(switch0, switch1), switch2 ), led1 )

The first argument to Mux2 would be an array of two inputs, the second argument would be a selector.

Here is the implementation of Mux2.

def Mux2():

    A = Bit()
    B = Bit()
    C = Bit()

    mux = LUT3((~I2 & I0) | (I2 & I1))

    O = mux( A, B, C )

    I = array(A, B)
    S = C

    return Circuit("input I", I, "output O", O )

First, we create three named arguments, A, B, C, to the new function. Second, we create the the body of the function. In this case the mux function using a LUT. Then we wire up the arguments to mux. The output of mux is returned as O. The final step is to create a new function using Function. The first argument to Function is the inputs. In this example, there are two input arguments I and S. The second argument is the output of the function. We can see this by printing out the function signature

print Mux2()
[[2], 1] -> 1

More Powerful Wiring Functions

The function wire is a function that wires the output of one function to the input of another function. wire itself is a python function that takes magma functions as arguments. In functional programming, the term higher-order function is used to indicate a function which takes functions are arguments. Thus, wire is a higher-order function.

Another way to think of wiring is as function composition. If you have two functions f(x) and g(x) where the outputs of g match the inputs of f, we can compose f with g to create a new function h. f composed with g equals f(g(x)). This is equivalent to wire(g, f).

Function composition in Magma is completed supported.

h = compose( f, g )

which is also implemented with the power (**) operator.

h = f ** g

This creates a new function h whose inputs are the inputs of g, and whose outputs are outputs of f.

We can wire the switches directly to the leds succinctly with

led1 ** switch1
led2 ** switch2

An even more powerful way to combine functions into circuits is to use fork and join. Consider the program

leds = join( led1, led2 )
logics = fork( logic1, logic2 )

leds( logics( switch1, switch 2 )

The arguments to join are two functions; join forms a new function by concatenating the inputs and the outputs of the functions being joined. In this case, led0 and led1 each have one input and one output. Joining them together creates a new function leds that has two inputs and two outputs. The first input of the combined function is connected to led1, and the second input is connected to led2.

alt tag

fork is a bit different. logic1 and logic2 each take two inputs and have one output. Forking them together creates a new function logics which still has two inputs, and two outputs. The first input of the new function is wired to the first input of both logic1 and logic2, and the secound input is wired to both second inputs. The two outputs are unioned together. If we call logics with two inputs, we wire up the inputs to both functions.

alt tag

The program above wires the two switches to the two logic functions, and then wires the two outputs to the leds. Pretty cool!

Placing Multiple Functional Units

FPGAs consist of a 2D array of slices at different (x, y) locations. Each slice consists of a small number of elements. An element in turns consists of a LUT and a FF. In the spartan3 family, each slice has two elements and each LUT has four inputs; in the spartan6 family, the slices have four elements, and each LUT has 6-inputs.

An LUT or a FF can be placed at a particular location.

lut = LUT2(I0&I1)

A very common operation is to replicate n functional units to make a larger functional unit. For example, n FFs can be combined to make a register.

def Register(n, init):
    def ff(y):
        return FF(init[y])
    return join( col( ff, n ) )

N = 8
reg1 = Register(N, N/2*[1,0] )
reg2 = Register(N, N/2*[0,1] )

The function ff creates a single FF. The col (column) function calls ff n times. Each FF is placed in a column starting at the current position. The y argument to ff indicate the relative position of the FF in the column. This value is passed so that you can initialize the FF differently depending on its position. In this case, we use y to index the init array containing different initial values for the FF. The final join combines the n FFs into a single n bit register.

It is also possible to arrange functional units in a row. or a 2D block.

col(func, n)
row(func, n)

Or a 2D block.

tile(func, (nx, ny), (dx, dy))

The tile function calls func nx times ny times at different x and y locations. This function also has strides dx and dy. x is incremented by dx, and y by dy, between invocatons of func.

Clocks and Sequential Circuits

Values are stored in flip-flops during the rising edge of a clock.

Flip-flops also have a clock enable (CE), a reset (R), and a set (S).

Combinational logic is a DAG.

Sequential logic will have cycles.
Break the cycle by declaring functions with state first. Can wire these up as a DAG, including setting the next state.