Compile Guard

Magma supports the concept of a compile guard that behaves like an ifdef statement in a traditional preprocessor.

This is useful for wrapping parts of a circuit in a guard that will allow the user to enable/disable the inclusion of the hardware in a downstream tool.

One example is logic used for an assertion. This logic might only be wanted inside verification flows, but not inside synthesis flows. To do this, we put the logic inside a with compile_guard(...): statement:

class Foo(m.Circuit):
    io = m.IO(I=m.In(m.Valid[m.Bits[4]]), O=m.Out(m.Bits[4])) + m.ClockIO()
    io.O @= m.Register(m.Bits[4])()(

    with m.compile_guard("ASSERT_ON"):
        # Counter logic only for assertion
        count = m.Register(m.UInt[2], has_enable=True)()
        count.I @= count.O + 1
        count.CE @= io.I.valid

        f.assert_immediate((count.O != 3) | (io.O.value() == 3))

This generates the following code (some modules omitted):


module CompileGuardCircuit_0 (
    input port_0,
    input CLK,
    input [3:0] port_1
wire [1:0] Register_inst0_O;
wire _magma_inline_wire0;
wire [1:0] magma_Bits_2_add_inst0_out;
Register_unq1 Register_inst0 (
assign _magma_inline_wire0 = (~ (Register_inst0_O == 2'h3)) | (port_1 == 4'h3);
assign magma_Bits_2_add_inst0_out = 2'(Register_inst0_O + 2'h1);
initial assert (_magma_inline_wire0);

module Foo (
    input CLK,
    input [3:0] I_data,
    input I_valid,
    output [3:0] O
`ifdef ASSERT_ON
CompileGuardCircuit_0 CompileGuardCircuit_0 (
Register Register_inst0 (

Notice that the counter logic has been moved inside the module CompileGuardCircuit_0 and the instantiation of that module is wrapped inside a verilog ifdef. Now the user can enable/disable the inclusion of the logic by using the ASSERT_ON define.

Note that logic inside a compile guard cannot be used outside of a compile guard (otherwise a signal may not have a driver when the guard is disabled).

To generate an ifndef instead of ifdef, pass the argument type="undefined" to m.compile_guard (the default is type="defined").