
Conversions between Magma values are performed with Magma conversion functions. The functions are named by following the standard python naming convention for converting values, e.g. int(s,base) converts a string in the given base to an integer.

# convert to a Bit value

# convert to a Clock value

# convert to an Array(n,T) value
array(int|bit|Bits(n)|UInt(n)|SInt(n)|[t0, t1, ..., tn])

# convert to Bits(n) value
bits(int|bit|Array(n,Bit)|UInt(n)|SInt(n)|[b0, b1, ..., bn])

# convert to an unsigned int UInt(n) value
uint(int|bit|Array(n,Bit)|Bits(n)|SInt(n)|[b0, b1, ..., bn])

# convert to a signed int SInt(n) value
sint(int|bit|Array(n,Bit)|Bits(n)|UInt(n)|[b0, b1, ..., bn])