Magma Types and Values

Magma is a strongly typed language within python. As in python, all Magma types are python classes. Instances of Magma types are Magma values.

The first major set of types are single bit types. They are subclasses of Digital:

class Digital(Type):
  class Bit(Digital):
  class Clock(Digital):
  class Reset(Digital):
  class Enable(Digital):

The Bit type can be used in logical operations.

The second major type in Magma is the Array type. An Array consists of N values of the same type T.

Array[N, T]

The third major type in Magma is the Tuple (and Product) type. A Tuple consists of N unnamed values of different types Tn.

Tuple[T0, T1, ..., Tn]

A Product consists of n named values of different types Tn.

Product.from_fields(name, dict(name0=T0, name1=T1, ..., namen=Tn))

The Bits type is equivalent to an array of Bit. It is a subclass of an array type. The UInt and SInt types are used to represent unsigned and signed integer types. UInt and SInt are subclasses of the Bits type. Bits, UInt, and SInt are separate types because they support different operations.

Bits[n] # ~= Array(n, Bit)
        # &, |, ^, ~, ==, <<, >>
SInt[n] # +, -, *, /, <, <=, >=, >, -, >>>
UInt[n] # +, -, *, /, <, <=, >=, >

Types can be tested for equality and inequality.

Values are instances of Magma type classes. All values are subclasses of the Magma type Type.


Magma provides support numpy style NDArrays. These types are constructed by using a tuple of integers (e.g. (3, 4, 2)) for the N parameter of an Array. Here's a simple example:

class Main(m.Circuit):
    io = m.IO(I=m.In(m.Array[(3, 5), m.Bit]),
              O=m.Out(m.Array[(5, 3), m.Bit]))
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(5):
            io.O[j, i] @= io.I[i, j]

Notice that the NDArray values can be indexed using tuples. The NDArray type also supports complex slicing patterns, for example:

class Main(m.Circuit):
    io = m.IO(a0=m.Out(m.Array[(4, 5, 3), m.Bit]),
              a1=m.Out(m.Array[(4, 5, 3), m.Bit]),
              b=m.In(m.Array[(4, 5, 2), m.Bit]),
              c=m.In(m.Array[(3, 2), m.Bit]))
    io.a0[0:2] @= io.b
    io.a0[2] @= m.Array[(4, 5), m.Bit]([0 for _ in range(5)])

    io.a1[2, 2:5, 0:2] @= io.c
    io.a1[2, 0:2, 0:2] @= m.Array[(2, 2), m.Bit]([0 for _ in range(2)])
    io.a1[3, :, 0:2] @= m.Array[(5, 2), m.Bit]([0 for _ in range(2)])
    io.a1[0:2, :, 0:2] @= m.Array[(2, 5, 2), m.Bit](
        [m.Array[(2, 5), m.Bit]([0 for _ in range(5)]) for _ in range(2)])
    io.a1[2] @= m.Array[(4, 5), m.Bit]([0 for _ in range(5)])

NDArray syntax (tuple type parameter and indexing) is implemented as a simple layer on top of the base Array type, so NDArrays support all the standard array syntax and operators (e.g. get_slice and set_slice).


Magma provides a built-in Valid type parametrized by a type T that constructs a Product type with the following fields: * valid: Bit * data: T


io = m.IO(I=m.In(m.Valid[m.Bits[5]]), valid=m.Out(m.Bit), data=m.Out(m.Bits[5]))
io.valid @= io.I.valid @=


Magma provides a built-in ReadyValid type parametrized by a type T that constructs a Product type with the following fields: * valid: Bit * data: T * ready: Bit

The ReadyValid type is meant to be used with the type modifiers Consumer and Producer. A Producer outputs valid and data and receives as input ready. A Consumer outputs ready and receives as input valid and data. A handshake occurs when both thereadyandvalidsignals are high and indicates thatdata` has been transferred from producer to consumer. These types are based on the correspond Chisel types.

Here's an example:

io = m.IO(
# NOTE: inside a circuit definition, the types are flipped, so in this example
# the producer and consumer semantics are viewed from the perspective of the
# client (i.e. the module instancing this module).
io.O.valid @= io.I.valid
io.O.ready @= io.I.ready @=

The ReadyValid type provides some convenience methods: * fired() - Returns a bit that is high when both ready and valid are high. Note that for producers this requires ready to be driven, and for consumers valid must be driven. * Conumser.enq(data, when=True) - enqueues the value data with an optional enable signal (used to drive the valid) * Conumser.no_enq(when=True) - indicates no enqueue should occur with an optional condition * Producer.deq(when=True) - deques a value data with an option enable signal (used to drive ready) * Producer.no_deq(when=True) - indicates no deque should occur with an option condition

Magma provides two subclasses of ReadyValid with well defined semantics: * Decoupled - valid indicates the prdoucer has put valid data in data, and ready indicates that the consumer is ready to accept the data this cycle. No requirements are made on the signaling of ready or valid. * Irrevocable - Promises not to change the value of data after a cycle where valid is high and ready is low. Additionally, once valid is raised, it will never be lowered until after ready has also been raised

Magma also provides two aliases: * EnqIO[T] for Producer(Decoupled[T]) * DeqIO[T] for Consumer(Decoupled[T])