
All types support the following operators: - Equal == - Not Equal !=

The Bit type supports the following logical operators. - And & - Or | - Exclusive or ^ - Not ~

The Array type supports the following operator. - Dynamic bit selection bits_obj[add.O] (select a bit dynamically using a magma value)

The Bits type supports the following logical operators. - And & (elementwise) - Or | (elementwise) - Exclusive or ^ (elementwise) - Not ~ (elementwise) - Logical right shift (with zeros) >> - Logical left shift (with zeros) <<

The UInt and SInt types support all the logical operators as well as arithmetic and comparison operastors. - Add + - Subtract/Negate - - Multiply * - Divide / - Less than < - Less than or equal <= - Greater than > - Greater than or equal >=

Note that the the right shift operator when applied to an SInt becomes an arithmetic shift right operator (which replicates the sign bit as it shifts right).

Verilog Users Guide

Here we provide a mapping between Verilog's standard operators, as defined by IEEE Std 1800-2017: IEEE Standard for SystemVerilog—Unified Hardware Design, Specification, and Verification Language (page 256, Table 11-1 -- Operators and data types).


Verilog Operator Magma Operator Types Context Comments
= m.wire, <= (can only be used on magma input values) Any All Assignment cannot be overloaded for arbitrary Python variables, so in general we must use m.wire. We have added preliminary for assignment to attributes of magma values using the <= operator, which may be familiar for Verilog programmers using non-blocking assignments. Example: reg.I <= io.I. <= is purely syntactic sugar defiend on output values and calls m.wire under the hood.
+=, -=, /=, *= None None All Support is not planned for these operators because magma cannot provide a clean semantics for them. Assignment only works for inputs to circuit instances and outputs of circuit definitions. AugAssign operators imply a value that is used both as an input an output. For example, inst.a +=1 would imply a is an output that feeds into binary add with 1, while also an input which consumes the result of the binary add.
%= None None All See above
&=, \|=, ^= None None All See above
>>=, <<= None None All See above
>>>=, <<<= None None All See above

Conditional Operator

Verilog Operator Magma Operator Types Context Comments
?: <true_exp> if <cond> else <false_exp> true_exp : T, cond_exp : Bit, false_exp : T m.circuit.combinational Currently only supported inside the m.circuit.combinational syntax because it requires inspection of the AST and rewriting it into a Mux. The true expression and the false expression should have the same type, the condition expression should have a Bit type.
?: mantle.mux([<false_exp>, <true_exp>], <cond>) true_exp : T, cond_exp : Bit, false_exp : T All

Unary Logical Operators

Verilog Operator Magma Operator Types Context Comments
! TODO m.Bit, m.Bits All Logical operators like not cannot be overloaded in Python. Planned support for a mantle function m.lnot as an alternative
~, &, ~&, \|, ~\|, ^, ~^, ^~ TODO m.Bits All Python does not have built-in support for reduction operators. Use the python reduce function instead, e.g. reduce(mantle.nand, value).

Unary Arithmetic Operators

Verilog Operator Magma Operator Types Context Comments
+, - TODO m.SInt All Can override __neg__ and __pos__ to implement these
++, -- None None All No planned support since not available in Python, use += 1 and -= 1 instead.

Binary Logical Operators

Verilog Operator Magma Operator Types Context Comments
<<, >> <<, >> m.Bits All TODO: What does verilog expect for bit width of the shift value? What does magma expect?
&&, \|\| TODO m.Bits All NOTE Python doesn't support overloading logical and and or, so using those Python operators will not work and will likely lead to difficult to debug error messages. In the future, will provide mantle functions instead and possibly an AST rewriter that translates these operators into the matnle function calls.
->, <-> None None All Impliciation and equivalence are used for verification, no planned support. If we wanted, we could provide mantle functions taht implement them as !expression1 || expression2 (implication) and (!expression1 || expression2) && (!expression2 || expression1)
==, != ==, != All All

Binary Arithmetic Operators

Verilog Operator Magma Operator Types Context Comments
+, -, *, /, ** +, -, *, /, ** UInt, SInt All TODO: Define numeric or integral type where UInt and SInt are sub types
% UInt, SInt All TODO: Define numeric or integral type where UInt and SInt are sub types
>>>, <<< >>, << SInt All Python does not provide a separate operator for arithmetic shift operators. Instead, we overload the meaning of the normal shift operators on SInt types. To use the logical variant, one can use the operator function directly mantle.lsr or convert the type to Bits or UInt. TODO: Double check that these are properly defined for SInt. Note, according to the SV spec, arithmetic left shift is the same as logical left shift.

Concatenation and Replication Operators

Verilog Operator Magma Operator Types Context Comments
{} m.concat All All NOTE: The semantics of m.concat are inverted from Verilog's (in the same way that Magma/Python's slicing syntax is inverted), so m.concat(x,y) corresponds to Verilog code of {y,x} as opposed to {x,y}
{{}} TODO All All **TODO: We could use something similar to Python's list replication syntax: [4] * 4


Verilog Operator Magma Operator Types Context Comments
===, !== None None None Magma currently does not support 4-state logic (=== tests for 1, 0, z, and x)
==?, !=? None None None See above (==? treat X and Z values in a given bit position as a wildcard (matches any value))
inside None None None TODO: Could use Python's in syntax to implement this, but is this typically used in synthesized code?
dist None None None Verification feature used for constraints
{<<{}}, {>>{}} None None None